Data type: object
Configuration path: .skin
Description: Configuration for rendering HTML player skin.
Field name | Type | Description |
theme | string | The name of the skin theme configuration to load during player initialization. |
color | string | Main color of the player skin theme (optional). |
NOTE: If the theme field is not provided, then all fields below are required.
Field name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the skin theme configuration. |
layout | string | URL address of the skin theme layout template. |
styles | array | Array of URL addresses of the skin theme styles. |
font | object | Configuration object of the skin theme font. |
icon | object | Configuration object of the skin theme core icons. |
Data type: string
Configuration path: .skin.theme
Description: If this parameter is set, then player will load skin theme configuration by given name value (check supported values). Also no other skin configurations are required. But it is possible to override loaded skin theme configuration
Currently supported values are: "disco"
, "gorilla"
, "jazz"
, "mole"
, "snake"
, "techno"
, "zebra"
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"theme": "disco",
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: string
Configuration path: .skin.color
Description: This parameter can be used to override player skin main color. Color defined in HEX format "#RRGGBB".
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"theme": "disco",
"color": "#FF0000"
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: string
Configuration path:
Description: The name of the skin theme configuration. The value can only contain lowercase letters [a-z], numbers [0-9], dashes [-], or underscores [_]. And it can’t start with a number.
As shown in the example below, by setting this property you can adjust the CSS styles of only one of multiple video players embedded in the same page and sharing the same theme.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"name": "custom-theme-name",
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
[data-theme-name="custom-theme-name"] {
// custom css
Data type: string
Configuration path: .skin.layout
Description: The URL of the HTML file with the player theme skin template to load during player initialization.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"layout": "",
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: array
Configuration path: .skin.styles
Description: The URL of the CSS file with player theme skin styles to load during player initialization.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"styles": [""],
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: array
Configuration path: .skin.font
Description: A configuration object for the font used in the skin theme.
Field name | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | string | The unique identifier for the font configuration. | | string | The name of the font configuration. |
font.src | string | The URL of the font. |
font.fetch | boolean | Make request for font file. |
font.size | string | Font size. | | array | Font family. |
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"font": {
"id": "custom_font_unique_id",
"name": "custom_font_name",
"src": "",
"fetch": true,
"size": "14px",
"family": [
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: string
Configuration path:
Description: The unique identifier for the font configuration.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"font": {
"id": "custom_font_unique_id",
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: string
Configuration path:
Description: The name of the font configuration. Used also as name of font in CSS styles.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"font": {
"name": "custom_font_name",
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: string
Configuration path: .skin.font.src
Description: The URL from which to load the font file.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"font": {
"src": "",
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: boolean
Configuration path: .skin.font.fetch
Description: Set to “true” if the player should request a font file, or “false” if the font will be available in the HTML document.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"font": {
"fetch": true,
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: string
Configuration path: .skin.font.size
Description: The font size used in the skin theme.
Follow same rules and syntax as CSS font-size property.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"font": {
"size": "14px",
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: array
Configuration path:
Description: An array of font names to use as the font-family in the skin theme CSS styles.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"font": {
"family": [ "custom_font_name", "sans-serif"]
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: object
Configuration path: .skin.icon
Description: Configuration object of the skin theme core icons.
Currently, there are two ways to add icons to a skin theme. It can be a font or an SVG file with icons.
Field name | Type | Description |
icon.font | object | Configuration object of the skin theme core icons font. |
or | ||
icon.svg | object | Configuration object of the skin theme core icons SVG. |
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"icon": {
"font": { ... },
// or
"svg": { ... },
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: object
Configuration path: .skin.icon.font
Description: A configuration object for the skin theme’s core icons when the source is a font file.
Field name | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | string | The unique identifier for the icon font configuration. | | string | The name of the icon font configuration. |
icon.font.src | string | The URL of the icon font. |
icon.font.fetch | string | Make request for icon font file. |
icon.font.size | string | Icon font size. | | array | Icon font family. |
icon.font.variation | object | Icon font variation configuration. |
icon.font.code | object | Icon font Unicode’s configuration. |
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"icon": {
"font": {
"id": "custom_icons_font",
"name": "custom icons font",
"src": "",
"fetch": true,
"family": ["custom_icons_font"],
"size": "24px",
"variation": { "FILL": 0, "wght": 400, "GRAD": 0, "opsz": 48 },
"code": {
"pause": "e034",
"play": "e037",
"replay": "e042",
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: string
Configuration path:
Description: The unique identifier for the icon font configuration.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"icon": {
"font": {
"id": "custom_icon_font_unique_id",
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: string
Configuration path:
Description: The name of the icon font configuration. Used also as name of icon font in CSS styles.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"icon": {
"font": {
"name": "custom_icon_font_name",
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: string
Configuration path: .skin.icon.font.src
Description: The URL from which to load the icon font file.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"icon": {
"font": {
"src": "",
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: boolean
Configuration path: .skin.icon.font.fetch
Description: Set to “true” if the player should request a icon font file, or “false” if the icon font will be available in the HTML document.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"icon": {
"font": {
"fetch": true,
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: string
Configuration path: .skin.icon.font.size
Description: The icon font size used in the skin theme.
Follow same rules and syntax as CSS font size property.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"icon": {
"font": {
"size": "14px",
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: array
Configuration path:
Description: An array of icon font names to use as the font-family in the skin theme CSS styles.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"icon": {
"font": {
"family": [ "custom_font_name", "sans-serif"]
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: object
Configuration path: .skin.icon.font.variation
Description: An object of icon font variations to use as the font-variations in the skin theme CSS styles.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"icon": {
"font": {
"variation": {
"FILL": 0,
"wght": 400,
"GRAD": 0,
"opsz": 48
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: object
Configuration path: .skin.icon.font.code
Description: An object containing Unicode icon code values with the icon name as the key. Like: { "NAME": “UNICODE” }.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"icon": {
"font": {
"code": {
"pause": "e034",
"play": "e037",
"replay": "e042",
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: object
Configuration path: .skin.icon.svg
Description: The skin theme’s core icon configuration object when the source is an SVG file.
The SVG file must contain definitions of symbols used as icons with the id property as the icon name.
Field name | Type | Description |
---|---|---| | string | The unique identifier for the SVG icon set. | | string | The name of the SVG icon set. |
icon.svg.iconset | string | The URL of the SVG icon set. |
icon.svg.size | string | SVG icon size. |
Example o SVG file:
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xml:space="preserve">
<symbol id="unique-icon-id" viewBox="...">
<path fill="currentColor" d="..." />
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"icon": {
"svg": {
"id": "custom_svg_iconset",
"name": "custom svg iconset",
"iconset": "",
"size": "20px"
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: string
Configuration path:
Description: The unique identifier for the icon SVG configuration.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"icon": {
"svg": {
"id": "custom_svg_iconset",
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: string
Configuration path:
Description: The name for the icon SVG configuration.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"icon": {
"svg": {
"name": "custom svg iconset",
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: string
Configuration path: .skin.icon.svg.iconset
Description: The URL from which to load the SVG file.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"icon": {
"svg": {
"iconset": "",
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}
Data type: string
Configuration path: .skin.icon.svg.size
Description: The SVG icon size used in the skin theme.
Follow same rules and syntax as CSS font size property.
Configuration example:
"skin": {
"icon": {
"svg": {
"size": "20px",
"dataProvider": { "source": [ { "url": "" } ]}