
Data type: object or array

Configuration path: .dataProvider

Description: Informs Bradmax Media Player about the media to play.

NOTE: dataProvider attribute can be JSON formatted Media Object, or array of Media Objects as a media playlist.

Examples of Bradmax Media Player dataProvider configuration:

Media object:

Field nameTypeDescription
idstringMedia asset id.
titlestringMedia asset title.
durationnumberMedia duration in seconds.
sourcearrayArray of media source metadata objects (for more details see Media Source Object).
sourceWithFallbacksarrayArray of arrays with media source metadata objects. Defines backup sources in case of playback error.
splashImagesarrayArray of splash image metadata objects (for more details see Media Splash Image Object).
mediaLandingPagestringUrl pointing to media landing page.
subtitlesSetsarraySubtitles configuration for subtitles not embedded in video stream (loading one language from single external file).
liveStreamobjectAdditional settings for live stream transmission.
progressobjectAdditional settings for progress bar.
sphericalboolInforms player about 360 degrees spherical media.
contentMetaobjectAdditional settings for analytical purposes.


Data type: string

Configuration path:

Description: Identifier for media. Used for media identification for Bradmax analytics. It is string, so it is customizable. This parameter is required for proper work of Bradmax analytics statistics for content / media.

"dataProvider": {
    "id": "701"


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.title

Description: Title of media asset.

"dataProvider": {
    "title": "Tears of steel"


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.duration

Description: Media asset duration time in seconds.

"dataProvider": {
    "duration": 734.097415


Data type: array

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source

Description: Array of media source objects, for more details see Media Source Object

"dataProvider": {
    "source": [
            "contentType": "movie",
            "url": "",
            "bitrate": 191999,
            "width": 1280,
            "height": 534

Only “url” field is needed. Rest fields is useful for automatically choosing best supported stream for user.

Minimal example:

"dataProvider": {
    "source": [{"url": ""}]

Example with multiple formats. Player will use best supported format for user device:

"dataProvider": {
    "source": [
        {"url": ""},  // MPEG-DASG
        {"url": ""}, // HLS
        {"url": ""}   // ordinary MP4 file.


Data type: array

Configuration path: .dataProvider.fallbacks

Description: Array of arrays with media source metadata objects (Media Source Object). Defines backup sources in case of playback error. Instead of list with available formats, this is list of such list. First is main and each next is used in case of previous source failure. This option is mutual with "source". Only one field: "source", “sourceWithFallbacks” - can be used in same time.

"dataProvider": {
    "sourceWithFallbacks": [
        // MPEG-DASG & HLS from main server
        [{"url": ""}, {"url": ""}],
        // MPEG-DASG & HLS from backup server
        [{"url": ""}, {"url": ""}]

It can be useful if you want to define stream, which is temporary available (eg. live stream) and secondary stream, which should be played if main is not available (eg. archived version of video in case of lack of live stream).


Data type: array

Configuration path: .dataProvider.splashImages

Description: Array of media splash image objects, for more details see Media Splash Image Object

"dataProvider": {
  "splashImages": [
          "url": "",
          "width": 955,
          "height": 397


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.mediaLandingPage

Description: Url pointing to media landing page.

"dataProvider": {
    "mediaLandingPage": ""


Data type: bool

Configuration path: .dataProvider.spherical

Default value: false

Description: Informs player about 360 degrees spherical media. Currently supported are 360 monoscopic videos

For more details about 360 degree video check this wikipedia article.

NOTE: If player is generated thru Bradmax Admin Panel, then “Spherical videos support” feature must be enabled.

Example for enabling video 360 degrees spherical support.

"dataProvider": {
    "spherical": true

Media subtitles configuration.


Data type: array

Configuration path: .dataProvider.subtitles

Description: Subtitles configuration. Subtitles can be embedded in all video streams types: HLS, MPEG/DASH, Microsoft Smooth Streaming. In that case only link to video stream is needed. Bradmax player during video stream load checks automatically if there are any embedded subtitles and show list of them under subtitles pop-up. This process is automatic and doesn’t need any changes in player configuration.

In case, when there is a already encoded video stream without subtitles and subtitles are available in external files (all subtitles are available via URL to file *.srt, *.vtt, *.webvtt) “subtitlesSet” configuration option is needed.

"dataProvider": {
    "subtitlesSets": [
        { "languageCode": "en", "url": "" },
        { "languageCode": "fr", "url": "" },
        { "languageCode": "de", "url": "" },
        { "languageCode": "cz", "url": "" }
subtitlesSet entry field nameTypeDescription
languageCodestringIt is ISO 3166-1 language code. It can be defined as alpha-2 or alpha-3 (2 or 3 letter language code).
urlstringURL address for raw subtiles file (not compressed by zip or similar compression method).
Supported subtitles file formatsFile extensions
VTT*.vtt *.webvtt

NOTE: If you want automatically select some language for subtitles please check subtitles

Media liveStream configuration.


Data type: object

Configuration path: .dataProvider.liveStream

Description: Media LiveStream configuration object.


Data type: object

Configuration path: .dataProvider.progress

Description: Media Progress configuration object.


Data type: object

Configuration path: .dataProvider.contentMeta

Description: Media Content Meta configuration object.

Content Meta object:

Field nameTypeDescription
imdbIdstringRefine your data by a designated IMDb ID.
gracenoteIdstringRefine your data by a designated Gracenote ID.
contentTypestringRefine your data by a designated content type.
episodeTitlestringRefine your data by the episode title.
tvShowstringRefine your data based on the TV show being viewed.
seasonstringRefine your data by selecting a particular season or a sequence of related series programs.
sagastringRefine your data by a particular saga.
genrearrayRefine your data by selecting a particular content genre.
vendorstringRefine your data by selecting a particular vendor.
subscriptionCostdoubleRefine your data based on the subscription cost associated with the user’s sign-up.
contentPricedoubleRefine your data by the amount paid by the customer to access a specific piece of content.
tagsarrayDefine custom material tags as an array of strings.


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.contentMeta.imdbId

Description: Refine your data by a designated IMDb ID.


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.contentMeta.gracenoteId

Description: Refine your data by a designated Gracenote ID.


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.contentMeta.contentType

Description: Refine your data by a designated content type, such as trailer, main, extra, clip, or preview.


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.contentMeta.episodeTitle

Description: Refine your data by the episode title. This field is intended for content that includes this specific attribute, such as series rather than movies.


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.contentMeta.tvShow

Description: Refine your data based on the TV show being viewed. Any video content not categorized as a TV show will be excluded from the dataset.


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.contentMeta.season

Description: Refine your data by selecting a particular season or a sequence of related series programs, such as the first, second, or third season of a specific series.


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.contentMeta.saga

Description: Refine your data by a particular saga, which refers to a set of interconnected films that share a common fictional universe or are promoted as a series. Please be aware that saga dimensions for VOD movies are equivalent to those for VOD TV shows.


Data type: string array

Configuration path: .dataProvider.contentMeta.genre

Description: Refine your data by selecting a particular content genre, including options such as romance, thriller, fantasy, and various others.


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.contentMeta.vendor

Description: Refine your data by selecting a particular vendor, such as Warner Bros, Paramount, Disney, Netflix, HBO, and so on.


Data type: double

Configuration path: .dataProvider.contentMeta.subscriptionCost

Description: Refine your data based on the subscription cost associated with the user’s sign-up.


Data type: double

Configuration path: .dataProvider.contentMeta.contentPrice

Description: Refine your data by the amount paid by the customer to access a specific piece of content. This applies exclusively when a user has completed a transaction for the purchase.


Data type: string array

Configuration path: .dataProvider.contentMeta.tags

Description: Define custom material tags as an array of strings (['tag1', 'tag2']), or utilize a key-value format with the syntax of 'tag:tag_value' (['tag1', 'tag2:value1', 'tag2:value2']).

Encoding for tags: Tags may consist of characters from the following list: [a-z, 0-9, A-Z, _, -, :, +, . ] The character ":" holds a special meaning and should be employed for “tag value” encoding, for example, "tag:val1", "tag:val2".


"dataProvider": {
    "contentMeta": {
      "imdbId": "000000",
      "gracenoteId": "0000000",
      "contentType": "trailer",
      "episodeTitle": "Origin of Bradmax",
      "tvShow": "Bradmax Story",
      "season": "1",
      "saga": "Bradmax Universum",
      "genre": ["fantasy", "thriller", "romance"],
      "vendor": "Bradmax Movies",
      "subscriptionCost": 10,
      "contentPrice": 5.5,
      "tags": ["tagName1", "tagName2:tagValue1", "tagName2:tagValue2"],

Media Source object:

Field nameTypeDescription
contentTypestringContent type name.
urlstringURL pointing to media asset.
bitratenumberBitrate of media asset.
widthnumberWidth of media asset in pixels.
heightnumberHeight of media asset in pixels.
drmobjectMedia Source DRM (Digital Rights Management) configuration object.


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].contentType

Description: Content type name. Possible values 'movie’, 'trailer’, 'live’.

"dataProvider": {
    "source": [
            "contentType": "movie",


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].url

Description: URL pointing to media asset.

"dataProvider": {
    "source": [
            "url": "",


Data type: number

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].bitrate

Description: Bitrate of media asset.

"dataProvider": {
    "source": [
            "bitrate": 191999


Data type: number

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].width

Description: Width of media asset in pixels.

"dataProvider": {
    "source": [
            "width": 955


Data type: number

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].height

Description: Height of media asset in pixels

"dataProvider": {
    "source": [
            "height": 397


Data type: object

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].drm

Description: Media Source DRM (Digital Rights Management) configuration object.

Media LiveStream object:

Data type: object

Configuration path: .dataProvider.liveStream

Description: This object marks that video is live stream transmission and keeps additional settings for such transmission. “Live stream transmission” mean video stream, which is “produced” on live. After some time video transmission will be not available any more.

Available optional settings for liveStream object:

endDatestringDate time as ISO 8601 string.
thankYouImageUrlstringLink to custom end splash image.
waitingForTransmissionImageUrlstringLink to custom waiting for transmission image.
lowLatencyModebooleanIndicates if lowLatencyMode should be enabled.

  • livestream.endDate

    Data type: string

    Configuration path: .dataProvider.liveStream.endDate

    Description: Date time as ISO 8601 string. If defined, then player is able to detect end of live stream transmission. Without it player will be assume end of transmission and end splash screen will be presented.


    • 2020-06-10T20:00:00Z (2020-06-10 20:00:00 UTC time zone):
      "dataProvider": {
        "liveStream": {
          "endDate": "2020-06-10T20:00:00Z" // (2020-06-10 20:00:00 UTC time zone)
    • 2020-06-12T18:00:00+08:00 (2020-06-12 18:00:00 GMT+8 time zone):
      "dataProvider": {
        "liveStream": {
          "endDate": "2020-06-12T18:00:00+08:00" // (2020-06-12 18:00:00 GMT+8 time zone)

  • livestream.thankYouImageUrl

    Data type: string

    Configuration path: .dataProvider.liveStream.thankYouImageUrl

    Description: Link to custom end splash image, which should be shown after end of live stream transmission. If not defined then default start splash will be shown after end of transmission.

    "dataProvider": {
      "liveStream": {
        "thankYouImageUrl": ""

  • livestream.waitingForTransmissionImageUrl

    Data type: string

    Configuration path: .dataProvider.liveStream.waitingForTransmissionImageUrl

    Description: Link to custom waiting for transmission image, which should be shown when player is waiting for live stream transmission start.

    "dataProvider": {
      "liveStream": {
        "waitingForTransmissionImageUrl": ""

  • livestream.lowLatencyMode

    Data type: string

    Configuration path: .dataProvider.liveStream.lowLatencyMode

    Description: Indicates if lowLatencyMode should be enabled. By default it is disabled. When lowLatencyMode:true then latency optimization is used at the expense of quality (stream is in lower quality and can buffer more frequently, but with much lower latency). This mode is working only for HLS and MPEG-DASH streams. example configuration

    "dataProvider": {
      "liveStream": {
        "lowLatencyMode": true

Media Source DRM object:

Media Source DRM object:

Field nameTypeDescription
providerstringKey defining provider.
playreadyobjectMedia Source DRM PlayReady configuration object.
widevineobjectMedia Source DRM Widevine configuration object.
fairplayobjectMedia Source DRM FairPlay configuration object.

For more details please check DRM documentation pages.


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].drm.provider

Description: Key defining provider. Currently supported values are default and keyos.

For more details please check DRM providers documentation pages and example pages:


Data type: object

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].drm.playready

Description: Media Source DRM PlayReady configuration object.


Data type: object

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].drm.widevine

Description: Media Source DRM Widevine configuration object.


Data type: object

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].drm.fairplay

Description: Media Source DRM FairPlay configuration object.

Media Source DRM PlayReady object:

PlayReady is a media file copy prevention technology from Microsoft that includes encryption, output prevention and digital rights management (source).

Check also PlayReady website.

Field nameTypeDescription
laUrlstringURL address for PlayReady license server.
customDatastringAuthentication XML encoded as base64 string.


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].drm.laUrl

Description: URL address for PlayReady license server.


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].drm.customData

Description: Authentication XML encoded as base64 string.

Media Source DRM Widevine object:

Widevine is a proprietary digital rights management system developed by Google. It provides content protection for media. Widevine is divided into three security levels with differing levels of protection depending on the hardware present on the device (source).

Check also Widevine website.

Field nameTypeDescription
laUrlstringURL address for Widevine license server.
customDatastringAuthentication XML encoded as base64 string.
audioRobustnessstringRobustness level for DRM. Default: SW_SECURE_CRYPTO
videoRobustnessstringRobustness level for DRM. Default: SW_SECURE_CRYPTO


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].drm.widevine.laUrl

Description: URL address for Widevine license server.


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].drm.widevine.customData

Description: Authentication XML encoded as base64 string.


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].drm.widevine.audioRobustness

Description: Robustness level for DRM. Default: SW_SECURE_CRYPTO


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].drm.widevine.videoRobustness

Description: Robustness level for DRM. Default: SW_SECURE_CRYPTO

Media Source DRM FairPlay object:

FairPlay is a family of digital rights management (DRM) technologies developed by Apple Inc. for protecting videos, books and apps and historically for music. (source).

Check also FairPlay Streaming website.

Field nameTypeDescription
laUrlstringURL address for FairPlay license server.
certUrlstringURL address for FairPlay license server certificate.
customDatastringAuthentication XML encoded as base64 string.


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].drm.fairplay.laUrl

Description: URL address for FairPlay license server.


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].drm.fairplay.certUrl

Description: URL address for FairPlay license server certificate.


Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.source[].drm.fairplay.customData

Description: Authentication XML encoded as base64 string.

Media Splash Image object:

Field nameTypeDescription
urlstringURL pointing to image asset.
widthnumberWidth of image asset in pixels.
heightnumberHeight of image asset in pixels.
  • splashImage.url

    Data type: string

    Configuration path: .dataProvider.splashImages[].url

    Description: URL pointing to image asset

    "dataProvider": {
        "splashImages": [
                "url": ""
  • splashImage.width

    Data type: number

    Configuration path: .dataProvider.splashImages[].width

    Description: Width of image asset in pixels.

    "dataProvider": {
        "splashImages": [
                "width": 955
  • splashImage.height

    Data type: number

    Configuration path: .dataProvider.splashImages[].height

    Description: Height of image asset in pixels

    "dataProvider": {
        "splashImages": [
                "height": 397

Media Progress object:

Field nameTypeDescription
segmentsarray or stringMedia progress track segments configuration.
markersarray or stringMedia progress track markers configuration.
thumbnailsobjectMedia progress track thumbnails configuration.


"dataProvider": {
    "progress": {

        // segments as array of objects
        "segments": [
            { "duration": 10, "label": "Example label" },
            { "duration": 20, "label": "Some other text" },
        // or segments as url directing to vtt file
        //"segments": "#EXAMPLE.VIDEO.SEGMENTS.VTT.UR#",

        // markers as array of objects
        "markers": [
            { "time": 10, "label": "Example label" },
            { "time": 20, "label": "Some other text" },
        // or markers as url directing to vtt file
        //"markers": "",

        // thumbnails as object
        "thumbnails": { "url": "" },
    "duration": 40

Media progress segments configuration


Data type: array or string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.progress.segments

Description: Displays progress track time segments based on provided configuration.

Can be provided as:

array - array containing configuration objects (more details).

"dataProvider": {
    "progress": {
        "segments": [
            { "duration": 10, "label": "Example label" },
            { "duration": 20, "label": "Some other text" },
    "duration": 40,
    "source": [{
        "url": "",

string - url directing to VTT file describing segments (more details).

"dataProvider": {
    "progress": {
        "segments": "path/to/segments.vtt"
    "duration": 40

Media progress segments as array of object

Displays progress track time segments based on provided configuration. Segment ‘start’ on progress track is calculated as sum of previous segments durations, ‘end’ is calculated as sum of ‘start’ and segment duration. Segments with ‘end’ greater than media total duration will be cut or not displayed. Configuration can also be provided as url to VTT file more details.

Available settings for segment array item object:

durationNumbersegment duration in seconds.
labelStringmaximum label characters length is 22.


"dataProvider": {
    "progress": {
        "segments": [
            { "duration": 10, "label": "Example label" },
            { "duration": 20, "label": "Some other text" },
    "duration": 40,
    "source": [{
        "url": "",

will render:

0-10 s.10-30 s.30-40 s.


NOTE: “segments” array order do matter.

Media progress segments as url

Data type: string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.progress.segments

Description: Displays progress track time segments based on provided configuration from vtt file.


"dataProvider": {
    "progress": {
        "segments": "path/to/segments.vtt"
    "duration": 40



00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:10.000
Example label

00:00:10.000 --> 00:00:30.000
Some other text


will render:

0-10 s.10-30 s.30-40 s.


Media progress markers configuration


Data type: array or string

Configuration path: .dataProvider.progress.markers

Description: Displays progress track time markers based on provided configuration.

Can be provided as:

array - array containing configuration objects (more details).

"dataProvider": {
    "progress": {
        "markers": [
            { "time": 10, "label": "Example label" },
            { "time": 20, "label": "Some other text" },
    "duration": 40

string - url directing to VTT file describing markers (more details).

"dataProvider": {
    "markers": {
        "segments": "path/to/markers.vtt"
    "duration": 40

Media progress markers configuration as array of objects

Displays progress track time markers based on provided configuration. Markers with time value greater than media total duration will not be displayed.

Available settings for marker array item object:

timeNumbermarker time in seconds.
labelStringmaximum label characters length is 22.


"dataProvider": {
    "progress": {
        "markers": [
            { "time": 10, "label": "Example label" },
            { "time": 20, "label": "Some other text" },
    "duration": 40,
    "source": [{
        "url": "",

will render:

0-9 s.10 s.11-19 s.20 s.21-30 s.

markers NOTE: “markers” array order do matter.

Media progress markers as url

Displays progress track time markers based on provided configuration from vtt file.


"dataProvider": {
    "markers": {
        "segments": "path/to/markers.vtt"
    "duration": 40



00:00:10.000 --> 00:00:00.000
Example label

00:00:20.000 --> 00:00:00.000
Some other text


NOTE: only first timestamp is used to position marker on progress track will render:

0-9 s.10 s.11-19 s.20 s.21-30 s.



Data type: object

Configuration path: .dataProvider.progress.thumbnails

Description: Displays progress thumbnails based on provided configuration. These thumbnails are displayed in a tooltip when a viewer hovers the progress track bar. Can handle single images or image sprite thumbnails. thumbnails

Media Progress Thumbnails object:

urlString[required] URL pointing to VTT file containing thumbnails data.
imageBaseUrlString[optional] Provide when thumbnail images have different base path than VTT file. If not than player use path relative to VTT file.

NOTE: VTT files are subject to cross-domain security restrictions and therefore won’t automatically load from another domain than the player.

NOTE: If imageBaseUrl is not provided in configuration then thumb image URL is relative to the VTT file (not to the page or player).

  • thumbnail.url

    Data type: string

    Configuration path: .dataProvider.progress.thumbnails.url

    Description: URL pointing to VTT file containing thumbnails data

    "dataProvider": {
      "progress": {
        "thumbnails": { 
          "url": ""
      "duration": 40

  • thumbnail.imageBaseUrl

    Data type: string

    Configuration path: .dataProvider.progress.thumbnails.imageBaseUrl

    Description: Provide when thumbnail images have different base path than VTT file. If not than player use path relative to VTT file.

    "dataProvider": {
      "progress": {
        "thumbnails": { 
          "url": "",
          "imageBaseUrl": ""
      "duration": 40

  • Single image thumbnails

    For each thumbnail you prepare single image in JPG, PNG or GIF format. Though it’s suggested to keep the same size for each image, it can be also different size, but it should keep the same display ratio. In VTT file you just type image path (relative or absolute) for each time cue. For best experience, single image (frame) should have maximum width of 160 pixels.

    00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:10.000
    00:00:10.000 --> 00:00:15.000
    00:00:15.000 --> 00:00:20.000
    00:00:20.000 --> 00:00:25.000

    For best user experience, it is advised to append image size info to the thumbnail URL: “thumbnails/thumb1.jpg#wh=160,67” where w = 160px h = 67px.

    00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:10.000

    NOTE: The range needs to be in (HH:)MM:SS.MMM format. Only this exact notation will be parsed.

    NOTE: Player supports pixel-based size data for image, not percentage-based ones.

  • Thumbnails from sprite image

    To limit file size, load delay and server requests, player supports thumbnail sprites, multiple thumbnails tilled into a single image. In the VTT file, the individual thumbnails are identified by appending their coordinates (in pixels) to the thumbnail URL: “thumbnails/sprite.jpg#xywh=0,0,160,67” where x = 0, y = 0, w = 160px h = 67px.

    00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:10.000
    00:00:10.000 --> 00:00:15.000
    00:00:15.000 --> 00:00:20.000
    00:00:20.000 --> 00:00:25.000

    NOTE: The range needs to be in (HH:)MM:SS.MMM format. Only this exact notation will be parsed.

    NOTE: Player supports pixel-based coordinates for image sprites, not percentage-based ones.

Bradmax Thumbnails Tool

Bradmax Thumbnails Tool

Shell script to generate thumbnail images from video file with vtt file as thumbnails descriptor. Require ffmpeg and ffprobe to be installed.

Download: bradmax thumbnails tool

There are two ways to generate thumbnails for video file:

  • as spritesheets. Images are merged into sprites sheets (flag -spritesheets ). These is default behavior.
  • as thumbnails. Each thumbnail as separated image file (flag -thumbnails ).


  • required
    --input (-i) - [string] path to ffmpeg input video file.
    --output (-o) - [string] path to output directory.

  • optional
    -spritesheets - when flag is added will generate image sprite files with thumbnails (default).
    -thumbnails - when flag is added will generate single image for each thumbnail.
    -poster - when flag is added will also generate poster image with random frame from input video.
    --timespan (-t) - [integer] time span (in seconds) between each thumbnail, default 10 sec. It will generate thumbnail every 10 seconds.
    --width (-w) - [integer] width (in pixels) of each thumbnail, default 160 px.
    --name (-n) - [string] base name for generated files, default ‘spritesheet’ when -spritesheets or ‘thumbnail’ when -thumbnails flag is enabled.
    --vtt-name - [string] override base name (-n) for VTT file. When provided generated vtt file path will be "[–output]/[–vtt-name].vtt".
    --img-name - [string] override base name (-n) for image files. When provided generated images path will be "[–output]/[–img-name].jpg".
    --img-dir - [string] base dir for image files. When provided generated images path will be "[–output]/[–img-dir]/[–(img-)name].jpg".
    --help (-h) - display help message.

NOTE: When flag -spritesheets is enabled script will probe video file to find best match for image grid dimensions based on provided video file duration and –timespan option value. Then You will need to choose one of proposed grid sizes. Best grid sizes are ones that do not have unused thumbnail spaces. For example if video duration is 30 seconds, thumbnails -timespan set to 10 (seconds) and chosen grid size is 2x2, then 1 thumbnail space will be unused, because (30s / 10s) = 3, but 2x2 = 4,


$ -i /input/video.mp4 -o /output/directory


$ -thumbnails -poster -i /input/video.mp4 -o /output/directory -w 160 -t 10 --vtt-name thumbnails --img-dir thumbs --img-name thumb


Basic example

Basic example with minimal media configuration needed for proper bradmax statistics collection. "id", "title", “duration” fields are optional for video playback, but required for proper media details in bradmax statistics.

"dataProvider": {
    "id": "101",
    "title": "Big Buck Bunny",
    "duration": 596.0,
    "source": [{
        "url": "",

Playlist example

Data provider configuration for defining playlist. For playlist replace configuration object for “dataProvider” by list of objects with configuration. More info: Playlist example

"dataProvider": [
        "id": "101",
        "title": "Big Buck Bunny",
        "duration": 596.0,
        "source": [{
            "url": "",
        "id": "102",
        "title": "Tears of steel",
        "duration": 734.097415,
        "source": [{
            "url": "",
        "splashImages": [{
            "url": "",

Live Stream examples:

Live Stream Example 1: Live stream transmission ending at 2020-06-10 20:00:00 (UTC). Before staring stream image “” will be shown. Before staring player will already show that it is live stream transmission (text “Live” next to progress bar). When user start playback then “” (link from waitingForTransmissionImageUrl) image will be shown until transmission start.

After end of transmission after 2020-06-10 20:00:00 (UTC), custom “thank you” image “” will be shown.

When content marked as live stream transmission (added “liveStream” key) player can be presented before live stream transmission. When user click “play” button before starting transmission, player will wait for it. User will see buffering/loading icon until transmission start with an image waitingForTransmissionImageUrl in background.

"dataProvider": {
    "source": [
        { "url": "" }
    "splashImages": [
        { "url": "" }
    "liveStream": {
        "endDate": "2020-06-10T20:00:00Z",
        "thankYouImageUrl": "",
        "waitingForTransmissionImageUrl": ""

Live Stream Example 2: Live stream transmission ending at 2020-06-20 14:00:00 (GMT+8). Before staring stream image “” will be shown. After end of transmission after 2020-06-20 14:00:00 (GMT+8), start splash image will be shown """.

"dataProvider": {
    "source": [
        { "url": "" }
    "splashImages": [
        { "url": "" }
    "liveStream": {
        "endDate": "2020-06-14T14:00:00+08:00",

Live Stream Example 3: Minimal sample for enabling live stream mode. Setting liveStream key as object without any settings. Player will wait for live stream transmission, but without endDate in case of any connection problem with streaming server player will assume, that transmission has already ended.

"dataProvider": {
    "source": [
        { "url": "" }
    "splashImages": [
        { "url": "" }
    "liveStream": {}

Live Stream Example 4: Sample for enabling live stream mode with custom end splash image presented after live stream transmission.

"dataProvider": {
    "source": [
        { "url": "" }
    "splashImages": [
        { "url": "" }
    "liveStream": {
        "thankYouImageUrl": ""

Live Stream Example 5: Sample for showing lowLatencyMode for live stream. It is mostly useful for transmission, where latency is a critical factor (eg. conferences, some sport events). For “Low Latency MPEG-DASH” streams latency between streaming server and user is typically 2 seconds. For LL-HLS (Low Latency - HLS) typical latency is 4 seconds.

Not all devices support this mode. In case of lack support player will play such streams normally - with higher latency and better quality.

    "dataProvider": {
        "source": [
            { "url": "" }
        "splashImages": [
            { "url": "" }
        "liveStream": {
            "lowLatencyMode": true