BradmaxPlayerSDK for iOS


Bradmax Player is HTML5 web video player, which can display most of popular video formats without need of installation external library or plugin on end user computer. It is JavaScript library, which utilizes HTML5 extensions build in most popular web browsers.

Player can be used in iOS devices apps. For such cases WkWebView component is used with HTML5 bradmax player inside. For simplifying integration process with iOS app Bradmax library was prepared (lipo/fat lib *.a file with required header files *.h).

Library API documentation

This pages contains documentation for BradmaxPlayerSdk.a library with requred by it header files for Objective-C.

All Objective-C classes from Bradmax Player SDK has BPS prefix (eg. BPSPlayer). BPSM prefix is used for "model" classes, which are containers for player data and settings (eg. BPSMMedia).

Open classes or files for more details.

iOS platform requirements

Minimal version for use Bradmax library on iOS devices: iOS 8.0 Bradmax SDK is using WkWebView, which is supported on iOS 8+.

Download library

Click link below for downloading library in ZIP file.

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